ABOUT USA group of chemically sensitive people began meeting in the Austin/Wimberley area around 1975 to discuss the impact of chemicals and toxins on their health. The small group offered each other support and information. Over the years it has been called the MCS/EI Support and Information Exchange, The Chemically Injured Association, and The Chemically Injured Coalition. But, today chemically sensitive people in Texas have both the non-profit, Texans for Environmental Health, and the current Austin Area support group, The Environmental Health League, to help meet their needs. We have changed the non-profit’s name to Texans for Environmental Health in recognition of the fact that it is not just the chemically sensitive whose health is suffering from indoor and outdoor chemicals and pollutants, but today, everyone’s health is being impacted by toxins in our society. The goals of the non-profit are to offer information to those dealing with chemical injury/sensitivity and to educate the public regarding the health risks of chemicals and other toxicants. We also hope our work will promote health and prevent further chemical damage to present and future generations.